Protection from fire and firefighting constitute integral parts of a unique system for protection and rescue of persons and goods from natural and other disasters in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina governed by the Law on Protection and Rescue of Persons and Goods from Natural and Other Disasters (“The F BiH Official Gazette”, No. 39/03 and 22/06). Accordingly, the fire protection and firefighting are organized and operated within this system in the manner prescribed by law.
Acquired authorisations
Under the Decision of the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning and Construction, Euroing d.o.o. is entitled to conduct the following fire protection expertise in accordance with the Law on Fire Protection and Firefighting (“The F BiH Official Gazette”, no. 64/09):
- drafting of assessments on a location’s vulnerability to fire,
- drafting of the fire protection plans referred to in Articles 21(3), 22 and 45 of the Law,
- drafting of elaborates on fire protection referred to in Articles 31(3) and 32(2) of the Law,
- drafting of elaborates on fire protection of construction sites,
- drafting of general acts on fire protection,
- issuance of expert evaluations of project documentation,
- issuance of expert opinions relating to the aspect of application of fire protection measures in facilities.